Saturday 17 September 2011

Tea and Jawbones

All this work is making me very sleepy. This morning I had such a long lie-in, sleeping through everything whilst an entire Pipe Band paraded right under my window (or so I'm told).

Anyhow, i figure that as it's been an entire week, and I'm hopping (metaphorically- thank God) back into Edinburgh Tomorrow morning to see the P&S, it might just be time for me to write something briefly about last week with them and Monica. Heregoes.

Having all congregated, we migrated from the Tea Tree to a relatively new cafe P&S had mentioned, The Institute. Oh the tea....

My tea, the cold lemon one, and the other is green, I think... The co-owner who was in had an exhibition of his own up from a circus in which he used to work as resident photographer. The chap with whom he co-owns The Institute, I think I was told is a friend from that circus. Apparently he is tattoed head to foot, has teeth resembling those of 'Jaws' from 'The Spy Who Loved Me'- James Bond... and enjoys performing the tea ceremonies. Well, good for him.
Cakewise there were only two remaining brownies by the time we materialised, but oh, what brownies.

We must have spent a good couple of hours there, 'cos it was already threatening sunset by the time we extricated ourselves from FOOD.

On a related topic, I never realised that the Meadows had a couple of resident whale jawbones. Not sure how I missed that, they're not exactly titchy.

I like this photo, because my shadow looks tall. I don't have any of the jawbones- although I did photograph the plaque which Papa helpfully pointed out, informing us this was called 'Jawbone Walk' or path or something.

All day I had been coming across various sizable animals looking rather of of context/place with the rest of Edinburgh. I made it my mission to find these! (but at some point someone must have run out of ideas, cos I spotted at least two elephants! =O )

Thus concludes my trip into the Burgher -and also the time I have left to spend on this computer- so, "Ta ta for now!" and more fascinating updates on tomorrow... possibly a week late. Again.

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