Saturday 10 November 2012

Mad as a Hatter

Feels so good to be back! Can't stay for long, I'm afraid I'm still more than a tad snowed under with work in a multitude of forms - however I really really couldn't resist taking a moment out to show you this:

Sixth Years at Knox dress up for Childern in Need and go around the classes to collect donations (threaten younger students). I've spent a good part of today snooping around Edinburgh - eating cake - in search of a TOP HAT for my Mad Hatter. Thanks specially to Papa and Sylwia, who set me on the path to hat sucess (not making sense entirely but hey-ho)!

Normally I would refrain from inflicting a photo of my mug on anyone, however I'm rather pleased that the face-painting wasn't an entirely botched job and thus the Theatre Art course I bled and sweat over *winks*  all last year must finally be paying off.

After sitting at my desk some while I completely forgot my conspicuous apparel and took an emergency stroll to the newsagents...

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